Appointment Details
Click here to book an appointment
All daytime appointments (9am – 5pm) can be in-person or online. All evening appointments (after 5pm) are online. In-person appointments are held in Taper Hall, Room 216.
The Writing Center offers twenty-five or fifty-minute individual sessions. Writers can reserve two twenty-five minute appointments OR one fifty-minute appointment per week. We ask that writers complete their first appointment before booking their second.
We can help you with any stage of the writing process, from generating ideas to double-checking your citations. We cannot proofread for you, but we can help you discover patterns in your writing and learn how to make adjustments. Perhaps most importantly, we can serve as encouraging conversation partners. As writers ourselves, we will share our insights about the process and offer constructive feedback.
When scheduling a session, the appointment length defaults to thirty minutes. However, it can be extended to sixty minutes adjusting the ‘stop-time’ field at the top of the Appointment Form.
THH 216
Jan 21 – May 2
M – Th, 9am – 9pm
Fri, 9am – 4pm